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👔 Business Consultant

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😊 Motivational Speaker

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Chartered Certified


I am an ACCA by profession & love to work
with entrepreneurs.

@ 2022 Humawar

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About Humawar

Humawar Shah is a UK Chartered Certified Accountant with 20+ years of global experience. His multi-faceted personality enables him to work as an established entrepreneur, business consultant, philanthropist, and motivational speaker. Read More

Project Manager
Motivational Speaker
Business Consultant

Early Struggles

All entrepreneurs do not have equal access to resources, support, or an equal chance to develop a successful venture. Humawar spent his early years in Nigeria, where he had grown up in an unstable and unsafe socio-political environment. His relocation to Pakistan brought forth challenges that may have proven too much for any other 16-year-old. He stood steadfast in the face of change, instability and acclimatised himself to the country and people. He completed his FSC and started his ACCA but his father’s health took a turn for the worst. Humawar had to drop his studies and became the primary caretaker. This turn of events brought out the entrepreneur in Humawar. Someone who makes the best of his situation and creates opportunities for himself and others around him. His positive approach to life stems from having seen trauma and distress and pulling himself up when life dragged him down. After his father’s untimely death, he resumed his accountancy certification in the UK. His enterprising personality turned everything he touched into gold. His desire to help other struggling children and businesses is what drives his conduct in life.

Desire to educate:

After the cancer diagnosis, Humawar ventured into teaching and training to continue his contribution to society. He conducted free coaching classes and provided tuition in Mathematics and English to young learners to build skills.

Current Involvement: Teaching Online Accountancy in the UK


Established a chartered accountancy firm, Certax Sheffield for taxation consults, business start-ups, accounting, company secretarial, payroll as well as intern trainings for accountancy.

Services Helpful for Individuals & Companies


Motivational speaker

After his fight against cancer between 2011 to 2013 Humawar started motivational speaking to encourage students, businessmen and entrepreneurs to draw strength from life events, whether positive or negative.

Business Consultancy / Project Management

Humawar Offers consultancy & project management services to start-ups, business facing growth issues, Cashflow problems etc. with his key focus in the business industry.

Chartered Certified Accountant

ACCA services for business at affordable pricing such as Company Setup, Management Accounts, Business Plans, Final Accounts & Tax Returns.


Having lived in Nigeria, the social disparity instilled the desire of giving back to the society. Engaged in community service since youth. Organized cleanliness drives and ran water filtration awareness campaigns in Sokoto, Nigeria. Adopted a 3-year-old thalassemic patient, and donated blood for 3 years till her demise. Organized numerous events and camps under Rotaract Club of Abbottabad to eradicate polio and support the community. Worked with St Johns Ambulance for 5 years as a voluntary unit leader of the 5 towns in West Yorkshire. Future projects in the pipeline are to setup free workshops for entrepreneurs from all walks of life. The model of this project would be to connect with one to many through seminars and webinars.

Notable Services : Received the honorary award from the Queen’s guards for 500 voluntary hours (St. John’s Ambulance).

Humawar As a Writer

Having personally experienced the unpredictability of life, coupled with his desire to spread knowledge, and empower youth. Humawar took up the Herculean task of writing an e-book to disseminate information that would cultivate entrepreneurial thinking. His e-book provides a step-by-step guide for newbies in the business world to become their own boss.

Notable Services: Author of “How to Start a Business in the UK.” Available on Amazon as an e-book.


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